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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

KASOW’s Request for 7400 KS ($130) from me - another Joke!

This is NOT going to make me a lot of friends but hey I’m leaving town on Thur plus I’m doing what someone else here told me “they weren’t here to make friends but to help the people’!!.

Anyway I was shocked when Mike (the Treasurer) called me yesterday asking if I was still going to buy a wheel barrow and shovel. I was training some students in the Computer Resource Center so I didn’t have much time so I said I suppose so. I asked how much and he said 7700 KS. I said why so much and he said its for a wheelbarrow, hoe, rake, hammer, sheet metal, etc, etc.etc. I thought to myself “why doesn’t’ KASOW squeeze me for an oxen, plow, goat and a couple chickens and maybe throw in a couple Buraries while they’ve got a live Sucker! I said all that can’t be tools so he said well then you can pay 7000KS ($100). So I said Gee Golly thanks and OK as my mind was on helping the student. But after thinking about it for about 1 hour and decided I’m not paying those for KASOW.

So let me provide some background on what transpired on this issue.

Back in Aug I talked to my family and friends about volunteering in Africa and setting up a Computer Resource Center for kids to learn. They all know I’ve worked in the IT field for the past 25+ years starting as a Computer Programmer but mostly as a Systems Analyst. A Systems Analyst analyzes a problem, provides alternatives and recommends a solution which if accepted by my customers we implement the solution. I felt that some of my skills could be useful in a few Projects. All of these people donated to help me pay for my costs and to use some funds ONY to help me set up a Computer Resource Center. My understanding was that there were desktops but no monitors. I thought I would purchase a couple monitors and use the remainder of the money to cover a small portion of my costs.

When I arrived at Kanyawegi I checked out the 7 desktops and 1 laptop and found that there were only 2 desktops that I could resurrect and the laptop functioned. I found that there were in fact 2 monitors so there was no actual need to purchase any monitors.

So at one of our first KASOW meetings there was talk that farmers don’t use cow manure for some unknown reason. Someone mentioned that it was probably due to the fact that the farmers had no way to haul the stuff. So rather than keep stepping on the stuff whenever I walked out the door I offered to pay for a wheel barrow and shovel (which I figure would be around 2500KS or $35) to pick up the crap! Well when it’s to KASOW”s favor they have a long memory and remember my offer!

So then the members of the Demonstration Farm asked when I would be buying the wheel barrow and shovel. They were told that funds were available for them (probably thought when Tom gives it to them).

So fast forward to last Sat when I mentioned this at the KASOW meeting. Mike you said blaw, blaw, blaw Tom you talk about sharing and helping the community, etc so why can’t you donate money for a wheel barrow and shovel. I stated that I don’t see anyone else digging in their pockets to buy anything except for one person. But after making me feel like a real Ass I said OK I’ll buy the wheelbarrow and shovel (which was my initial offer). But I kept thinking that I don’t feel KASOW lives up to their idea of sharing.! Take my favorite topic the KASOW Laptop that I thought was going to be used in the Computer Resource Center. I had just moved it to the Obambo and was going through the procedure of signing the inventory over to Barrack. When in marches a couple of KASOW Committee members who have never appeared there since. They stated the laptop is for the KASOW Committee and is not to be used here and Helen was to have told me! Helen wasn’t even home when we moved the computers. It would have been better if Maurice told me as he helped me move it. Anyway we had to remove it. I thought what does KASOW use that High Tech Laptop (NOT) for and I was told to type up the KASOW meeting minutes. Like maybe 2 times a month and how often would it be used in the Computer Resource Center – like everyday and by who? Try the community!!!! So don’t give me this crap about not sharing or whatever. I don’t see the Committee members digging into their pockets to pay for anything. Matter of fact Mike your memory is short as you were to show us the ledger of how the funds are being used and never did. But was I to bring it up? So I ask why wasn’t it on the list of agenda topics?

While I’m airing some Greavances – the meetings / volunteers’ status report is a JOKE!. This meeting is only a one way feed of information. We review the last meeting status, then the volunteers provide their new status while various Committee receive VERY IMPORTANT phone calls that they need to respond to and disappear out the door! Question do you not have an ON/OFF button on your phone? I think I’ve attended a couple of meetings in my career and there’s usually like some downward feedback to us peons from the equivalent to the KASOW Committee.

At KASOW’s Meetings (Volunteer Organization) I think that there should be:

1.Treasurer’s report handed to us providing a breakdown of what monies are available, used and status of expected funding.

2. John’s report stating his expectations, funding issues, etc.

3. Boaz’’s report stating the status of purchases, issues and funds spent.

4. An update of the work plan from the previous meeting

5. Problems, To Do and By Whom Lists plus maybe some Milestone dates to verify if we can complete Projects by Nov 24 or the end of our stay

However we have to continually keep asking about funding issues ie if the Goat Project has funds, are there funds to even start the Demonstation Farm etc, etc. I know some of the KASOW committee have full time jobs but hey part of the function of the Committee is to provide us information for us to plan what we have to do. I feel bad about criticizing the members but hey no one said the truth doesn’t hurt! But I’ve always wanted to ask this question “What exactly is the KASOW Committee’s purpose, like what do you actually do except chair a waste of time Meeting?”

So the bottom line is if KASOW has purchased the 7400KS of TOOLS, etc, etc, etc. Then you can get a refund, take the funds out of the difference the 4 initial volunteers should get back from the 4 new members or KASOW, be creative about scrapping together the 7400 KS or maybe use those tools as rentals to recuperate the initial cost. So of like you talk about what the KASOW Youth Group doesn’t do. But wait isn’t there a similarity between the KASOW Committee and the KASOW Youth Group. It’s hard to get any guidance, recommendations or advice from either group

I gave the Committee ample warning that I was returning the funds donated from my family and friends. Plus I have no obligation to spend donations given to help me pay my costs to pay for wheelbarrow and shovel. Who is going to use them when we leave? Is it actually going to be used? How about the sheet metal? Could they build a nice Outhouse complete with a sheet metal roof?

The KASOW Committee is like the people we’re here to help! They want some donations given to an individual to pay his move than $4000 fee to come to volunteer as Funds to be spent by them. Mike you suggested maybe I should buy a couple monitors. I almost threw up my lunch in laughter and had to ask “What are we going to do with them? We don’t have any working desktops. Maybe I should buy a laptop”. Good thing I mumbled it or it would be noted that Tom is buying a laptop for KASOW.

Most of the items you mentioned are for the Demonstration Farm which I had NO say in the Project or did it even start? If I did have I would have said that the Project has as much time to fly as a Pig flying especially in the time frame of 10 weeks and even less in the 6 or 7 weeks there was when I first started hearing about it. But then I would have upset and alienated a few people which I’m doing now but what the heck I’m a realist. So I haven’t heard a thing about that Project but now I’ve heard about the Busary Project which I don’t endorse either.

It seems that volunteers are starting Projects to keep occupied other wise there isn’t any thing for them to do! Then there are some doing research to figure out if a project would fly. In my way of thinking it is best to do the research before setting down here in the Village. We don’t have enough time to research, get the equipment and still implement the Project in 10 weeks given the environment and challenges we face. On those most we would be looking up a Dead Horse’s A—to even start them. I think I was told that the previous group spent 10 months meeting and planning before leaving Vancouver.

I hate to be told that I don’t spend or want to share with the community! I don’t want to blow my own horn but I am giving assistance to 3 people in the community. I also paid for the repair of the Obambo Secondary laptop as the keys didn’t function. At any time I will help members of our household with something and most of the time when I return from Town I bring them something. My indulgences are matatu fares, internet time, phone cards (as I had the only phone and amounted to like free airtime except one card provided me) , bottle water, pocket books and the occasion box of cookies or candies and apples. I give most of these items to my friends who work at our house. So don’t give me any crap about not sharing or wanting to help the people of Kanyawegi or I’ll really get Pissed!

So read my lips “I am not spending the money donated to ME from my family and friends for the wheel barrow, tools and lord knows what else you included as you probably can’t provide me a receipt not that I really want to see it!

I know I didn’t win any friends with this email but like I said at the start I’m not here to make any friends. Although I feel I have made friends with the many farmers, teachers and young people all who I really like and care to help.

So if everyone is happy and want to string me up, well I won’t be around town for the next week or 2 as I had made plans weeks ago before our interesting Meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“A Community Based Organization in Kisumu-Kenya”
P.O. Box 115-40123, Kisumu, Kenya
Tel. 254 733 826654
Email: swetatoby@yahoo.com.

“Committed to Orphans education, Community Health and Widows food security”

8th November, 2007

Dear Tom Kinoshita,


This office has keenly reviewed your email dated November 7, 2007, in which you consistently used abusive and vulgar languages while addressing your audience with total disregard to the cultural sensitivity and professional ethics that you profess to understand. Even though your comments do not worth anybody’s time, we would like to comment on a few things. But first, we would like to remind you that your misconduct, mischief and racially charged views has violated the confidence and respect that this office and the people of Kanyawegi granted you at least based on your age and many years of professional experience that you claim. We would like to remind you further that the people of Africa and that of Kanyawegi deserve respect and dignity despite their race, poverty, and suffering. We ask one question, did you ever see anyone coming to your door asking for your help? No one did and no one shall! While we welcome criticism, it must be constructed and channelled in a manner that reflects maturity, respect and professionalism.

We have observed that throughout your short stay in Kanyawegi, you have continuously and deliberately misled the youth, misguided women and misrepresented vital information to the community, which has caused serious division and tension within among various clans, gender and ages in the village. The damage that you have done to this village will take many years if not decades to repair. The children and women that you purportedly come here to help will instead suffer many generations to come.

This office would also like to advice you that you cannot for whatever reason dictate and/or impose to anyone in Kanyawegi your naive understanding of complex institutional parameters. To this date we have not seen any novelty either in your ideas or your approach of doing things that one can admire. Instead, you have matured in perpetuating high-level incitement, engaged in empty rhetoric & baseless allegations and misbehaviour with impunity. We would like to dispel your misguided thinking that you came here to save this village – neither does your paying to be here and donating a few dollars and time give you any form of immunity or give you any express authority to openly engage in character assassination and smear campaign. We have given you respect and we deserve the same from you but not abuse and propaganda.

We have noticed that when you are talking to people one-on-one or phone you say one thing –like sure, why not, I will do whatever, only later to unmask your true self in an email pretending to have though twice over it. This shows several things though, that you are insincere, unreliable, and untrustworthy, that you lack consistency and integrity that you stand for nothing except to fool people with your lip service! No one in the village is interested in learning these things from you.

Your shameless characterization of KASOW and its leadership is farfetched and uncalled for and cannot stand any kind of scrutiny and further depicts how you are out of touch with reality. Needless to say but what KASOW has achieved since its inception will take you eternity to accomplish. To ask KASOW to share its personal computer, which contains confidential information with the public shows lack of grasp of basic concepts of leadership and management - like the need of confidentiality and protection of personal information.

Based on these observations, this office has with immediate effect revoked your volunteer work and placement in Kanyawegi, and you have been advised to start arranging your departure from the village at your convenient time, as your services are no longer needed. Should you need any help or assistance please feel free to contact the office. A refund of a portion of your accommodation fees, and Maasai Mara trip will be given to you before you leave.

Yours truly,

KASOW Chairman

C.C Jesicca Pautsch

About Me

Project Team - John Agak, Lydia, Jessica, Katy, Angus, Tom kenyaprojects@gmail.com