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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Going on a Walkabout

So I’m heading on a Walkabout which is a word the Aborgines/Abo in Aussie use when a person goes aimlessly out to walk about the country side. The only difference is what I’m doing is I’m not totally walking but going to take a Matatu (minibus). If all goes the way I plan I hope to leave Thur from here to the Ugandan border. Then walk across the border and pick up another minibus Jinja. I probably mention that Jinja is a town famous as the Nile River starts there. I’ll check it out for a couple days to see how expensive the whitewater rafting, whitewater kayaking, bungee jumping, etc costs. If I can do any of them really cheap I may try it. But I have a tempermental back which acted up 3 years ago when I got hit by a car walking across the street on a walk light in Seattle (no I didn’t get tons of money suing the driver as unfortunately he had little to zero insurance). But basically I don’t want to spend a lot of money to try these things out as I’ve done whitewater rafting and it was fun but only if the rapids are great. The whitewater kayaking would be a totally new experience but I should take some lessons first.

Then I’ll head to Kampala to check it out. I’ve emailed this Backpacker Hostel and they tell me they can still get me a permit to track the Mountain Gorillas. So if that works out then I’ll bite the bullet and check them out! The Mountain Gorilla and Giant Pandas are 2 animals that I would really like to see in their native habitat. However my chances of seeing the Panda are pretty well slim and none due to restrictions. The Ugandan and Rwandan government have this fee of about $500 for a permit. Yeah I know it’s a lot of money but everyone I’ve talked to say it’s worth the price to see them. So we’ll see how it goes.

So anyway I don’t know how long I’ll be gone but it’s as long as it takes. I have a couple things that I’m finishing up here but it’s mostly to insure that Projects I’ve worked on ie Computer Resource Center, Woman’s Sewing/Tailoring Group and KASOW Youth Group are going forward. I had organized a “Taking the Next Step” towards Self Sustainability Forum as I mentioned in a previous Posting. However it was a huge draw so I’ve come to the conclusion that people are either not interested in being Self Sustaining or need a boot to get them to do any thing. So I doubt if I’ll pursue that any further in the time I have left.

I keep mentioning that I like the people in Kenyawegi and am starting to make friends so it would be hard to leave. But hey the wandering Free Spirit Guy that I am I want to check over the next hill, I guess!

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Project Team - John Agak, Lydia, Jessica, Katy, Angus, Tom kenyaprojects@gmail.com