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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Who better to speak about motivation to youths than a person who spent time as a misguided youth

It's like do what I say not what I did. So I want to speak to the KASOW Youth group as they are not being proactive with their goals. So I put together the following document to present to them

“A Community Based Organization in Kisumu-Kenya”
P.O. Box 1860-40100, Kisumu, Kenya

“Committed to Orphans education, Community Health and Widows food security”

KASOW Youth Group

At this time it appears that the KASOW Youth Group requires some assistance in getting on track to their goals and objectives as stated in their Charter. This recommendation is make not mainly as a criticism but re-enforcement to commit themselves. Therefore I would like to state some items that could maybe ensure that they understand what is required. Also there are some small projects that may assist the community and which won’t require any extra resources. This may appear harsh however there comes a time when simple talk is not enough. The following have been listed as incentive ideas.

1. Continue involvement in the Kanyawegi Community to determine not only new ways to assist but to carry forth on the ones that they’ve previously stated.

2. Commence and complete the tasks they have mentioned in their Charter instead of simply writing and discussing them. Anyone can put down words but now is the time to follow though on them. Excuses like no money can’t only last so long. They can think of creative ways to earn some money or help the community which don’t cost money.

3. The Group could maybe have 2 members assist the Widows in the community with their weeding or hoeing a couple times week. They could also assist in any other odd jobs that are required besides weeding or hoeing as long as they’re volunteering their time.

4. Assist KASOW assist with operation of the proposed Demonstration Farm. This will require maintenance of watering, weeding, etc once the volunteers leave

5. Once KASOW obtains a wheel barrow and tools id hoe, shovel. Etc they could use these tools to assist the farmers. This assistance could come in the means of just help or a slight charge for the use of the tools. However any use should be monitored and recorded.

6. Show more initiative in finding work for pay for the group. If they retain the use of the laptop then maybe they could use it as a means to train any person interested to learn internet usage in town. A fee would be charged to go to town and the use of the internet. However this would actively engage the Youth members and assist any one wanting and affording to use the internet.
If the transportation and internet costs are paid and the recipient of the service is willing to pay a small fee for the service then that would be a bonus. Then the money could be used to start any projects costing some money.

7. If the Youth Group runs out of condom as they state, then they need to visit the Health Center or local hospitals and build up a relationship to obtain further condoms. They could also learn of free services that are offered at the Hospitals and Health Centers and relate them to the community.

8. Think creativity like maybe approach a number people in the community who may need items in town and offer to make the trip for them at say 50KS return so it’s a win / win for both parties. Then if they can get a number of people to want this service than they can make a bit of money.

9. The Youth Group has to understand that any money raised is for the betterment of the Youth Group working under the KASOW Committee Group.

10. They must understand that the Youth are the Community leaders of the future and as such need to volunteer their time and service by action not words. They must set a good example for the children of the community so they will want to join the Group in the future.

This list is a starting point by which the Youth Group can become more pro-active.

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Project Team - John Agak, Lydia, Jessica, Katy, Angus, Tom kenyaprojects@gmail.com