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Friday, October 26, 2007

Posted a couple more pics - sorry not much documentation at this time but read the following postings for other info on happenings

Sorry that there isn't much documentation with my pics however it always takes so long to post pics. I hope to change all that and add a notation when time permits but please be patient with the pics and whatever I write. I was told that I seem to ramble with no set paragraphs which makes it confusing. Sorry about that as I'll work to change that in the future and with previous postings. So check back occassionally to see if I changed old postings.
Most of these pics I borrowed from Angus. I posted the pics of this poor boy's foot which we believe was broken and not set at all. I didn't post it to show a side show person but what happens here due mostly to the lack of money or maybe the parent's neglect. i think it's probably the lack of money to take him to the hospital to set. Angus works with people with foot problems and fitting them with the proper footwear. So when the head teacher found this out he brought this poor boy and asked if he could help him. The only thing that probably could be done is to have the foot re-broken and then reset. It's sad that a boy about 12 is faced with a life with a deformed foot and can't do a lot of things a normal boy should be able to do. On the bright side this boy doesn't complain but just carries on with a pole to help him walk. There is a lot of beauty and happiness in Kenya but there are also a lot of sights that make you wish you could change things.

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Project Team - John Agak, Lydia, Jessica, Katy, Angus, Tom kenyaprojects@gmail.com