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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Quick in the Batmobile Robin we're being invaded by Bats!

Holly Cow for some reason the Bats seem to like us! We have a had a few invasion of Bats in the house in the evening before we close the doors and windows. We've had to chase some out of our living room and there was one in my bedroom. Thank god for the Mosiquito / Bat Net to keep those critters off our bed! Anyway it's not as bad as it sounds because at least I don't think they have Rabies! None of us got our Rabies shots as they cost $600 for 3 shots. We have Bernard (Ben) the assistant cook, dish washer, handy man and all around nice guy (he came supplied not our choice) to help chase them out and to kill one (with a rag but hopefully not the one he washes dishes with). We have to close our windows and doors at night. Then Ben comes and locks the place up as there are 4 cast iron framed doors with locks. Then the windows all have the same cast iron frames around the outside. It seems that the 2 homes we've stayed in have had big honkin' lockin' doors on them. It's either to keep us in or keep people out. Then Mama Ruth's in Nairobi had mean sounding dogs that they let out of their kennels at night to patrol their yard. Luckily they had indoor bathrooms because if a person went out there at night who knows if they would come back with the same appendages. We asked do those dogs bite and were told we're aren't quite sure but they listen to the owners. Their bark may be worse than their bite but their bark is so bad that there bite could be a 8 on a scale of 1 to 10! Our place in the village has no watch dog. But we have Peter (another gift from the owner of the house who must use him to guard the house as the owners live in Kisumu the town). Unfortunately Peter hasn't been around the last 3 or 4 days as his wife's been delivering the water in the morning wish is his chore. However it seems that the other 3 volunteers have heard and seen a couple of people outside their window with flash nights at night checking the bars on thw windows. I haven't heard anything as I seem pretty soundly. Mildred the cook sleeps in a room next o mine and has hear someone outside too but when she called Peter he didn't answer. Brn sleeps in the Simba (a smaller house for the oldest son) and he hasn't heard anything either. Both Angus and Jessica take weekly Malaria pills which people say may give some people bad dreams or nightmares. Katy and I take daily but Katy has heard the people outside too. So anyway it's probably a case for Batman and Robin (the people not bats) to figure out! None of use feel unsafe here however they tell us not to wander out after dark with out a Kenyan. Last weekend we wnet to town and the other 3 stayed later to watch a Rugby game on tv. I wasn'tinterested so I came home around 4 PM. They stayed until about 8 or 9 PM (real late in this society) We usually catch the Matato (mini van bus that drives like hell down the road with an overcrowded 20 in a 14 passenger limit bus) to town and back and pay 50 Shillings (80 cents). They had to get a taxi which one of the locals knew the driver. They were charged 1000 Shillings ($20O for the trip which we usually pay 50 shillings. The price goes up after dark and I suppose so do the bad guys! There was a supposed Reggae concert going on in the park when I was walking thru the park on Sat going to the bus. I hear the words "Suicidal, Suicidal" words to a current song. So I wondered over thru the park to see what was happening. The park was full of young Kenyan kids listening or hanging out. These kids didn't seem like the usual kids hanging around siying "hello how are you?" that I get all the time. These seemed a bit aggressive or so I thought as they all were mumbling something and staring. So I hung around for 10 mins trying to check out the stage. But being the only foreinger in the crowd I thought I'd better check out or the words to the song may be more than just words for a person alone in that crowd.
Catching a mini bus or mutato is a real challenge! We walk out to the highway and flag down one driving along. However by the time it reaches our stop they are usually quite full so they don't stop. The other day I had to wait for 6 ot 7 buses to pass and then one stopped. The conductor who collects the cash and stuffs people in the bus said I could get on if I stood on the outside doorstep and hung onto to the bus. Well it was about 35C / 105F and I was tired or waiting so I said sure. Well here's this bus flying down the highway with 2 of us hanging with our butts out the door at probaby 100 Km/ 60 mph. Luckily the highway was smooth not like the highway between here and Nairobi or I'm sure one of us would have lost our footing on the step of the door (and I'm sure it wouldn't have been the conductor)
Boy what a guy won't do to get into town once a week. I had to come to town today because I had to print out a Uset guide to explain the basic steps on how to use a computer.

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About Me

Project Team - John Agak, Lydia, Jessica, Katy, Angus, Tom kenyaprojects@gmail.com